Et dybdegående seminar om tv- og streaming industriens udvikling
Vi har fået mulighed for at få Colin Dixon, der står bag nScreenMedia, til at afholde et spændende og relevant seminar forud for Copenhagen Future TV Conference 2019 – med opdaterede informationer og analyser.
Seminaret er for alle, der gerne vil have dybere indblik i de væsentligste forandringsprocesser i tv- og streaming industrien.
Seminaret går i dybden med nyeste tal og tendenser, og rummer bl.a. en helt ny analyse af forbrugeradfærden hos europæiske og nordiske tv- og streaming brugere.
Derudover fokuserer seminaret på strategiske analyser af internationalt orienterede giganter som Amazon, Apple, Disney/Fox, MGM, WarnerMedia m.fl., og hvordan vi kan forvente de vil bevæge sig ind på de nordiske markeder.
Vi ser også nærmere på hvordan Netflix kan forventes fortsat at udvikle sig i den kommende forstærkede konkurrence på både det globale og det nordiske marked.
Vi ser ligeledes nærmere på YouTube’s nye strategier og markedstiltag, og vi ser på forbrugernes adfærd på forskellige streaming enheder, og udviklingen indenfor connected tv generelt.
Seminaret modereres af Claus Bülow Christensen.
Afholdes 6. maj kl. 9.00 til 14.00 i Industriens Hus.
BEMÆRK: Begrænset antal pladser – hurtig tilmelding tilrådes!
Program overview
8:30 – Registration and breakfast buffet
9:00 – Introduction and market overview by Claus Bülow Christensen
9:30 – Netflix – the way ahead
10:00 – Amazon – retails economics and video distribution
10:30 – Coffee Break
10:50 – The battle for Anchor tenancy – Disney, Apple, and WarnerMedia
11:15 – Global SVOD’s impact on local media
11:45 – The YouTube economy. Google’s next step?
12:15 – Lunch buffet
12:45 – TV viewing today – Nordic and European total viewing report
13:15 – Technologies continuing impact on media
13:45 – Conclusions
14:00 – End of seminar
An in-depth seminar on TV and streaming industry development
With Colin Dixon
Monday May 6, 2019
Detailed program description
8:30 – Registration and breakfast buffet
9:00 – Introduction and market overview by Claus Bülow Christensen
We started the FutureTV conferences ten years ago and, over the years, have taken pride in trying to draw a precise picture of the future of the television industry. In recent years, there has been a great deal of change.
Streaming technology has enabled video services from the United States to touch every connected user on the planet. The combination of streaming and global SVOD has led to major changes in TV industry, both in user behaviour and business models.
In this introduction Claus Bülow Christensen takes a view at the impact of the global TV and streaming forces on our local market, and try to predict where the next phase of the transformation of the TV industry will take us here in the Nordics.
9:30 – Netflix – the way ahead
- Is Netflix unstoppable?
We take a close look at the current state of the global Netflix Empire and its continuing growth. Can the company keep growing subscriber numbers while keep existing customers loyal? Is the original content spending of more than 8 billion dollars in 2018 enough?
10:00 – Amazon – retails economics and video distribution
- Amazon total domination strategy
Amazon is clearly warming up to a Nordic market entry, both as a giant retailer on the internet, and as a major streaming service. For Amazon, the streaming service Prime Video is a means to secure customer loyalty for buying goods, but with a spending on at least 5 billion dollars on original content in 2018, they also mean serious streaming business.
The premium content is already subtitled in the Nordic languages, and we can expect a Nordic language interface soon. So, Amazon will probably be a growing part of the Danish media offering. Amazon Prime Video is not simply an SVOD service and we will look at it in detail to understand it better. Perhaps the most important feature of the service is Amazon Channels. The session will explain what Channels is and examine how it presents both an opportunity and a threat to other video services.
The two above sections will draw on industry and survey data to assess the state of the SVOD industry. We will compare the strategies of the two key players in the world market.
10:30 – Coffee Break
10:50 – The battle for Anchor tenancy – Disney, Apple, and WarnerMedia
- The Mouse gets a digital roar – Disney’s transition to a direct-to-consumer model
Disney’s coming streaming service could be a game changer for the global streaming market. The combination of the huge Disney content library with that of Fox creates an opportunity for Disney few can match. What can we expect from their coming service? Will it be just another streaming service, or a something very different?
- Apple TV+ – Will Apple finally “reinvent” the TV experience?
- AT&T’s WarnerMedia builds on HBO’s foundation
How will each service do against Netflix and which will be successful in becoming a vital part of most people’s entertainment experience?
11:15 – Global SVOD’s impact on local media
Local TV viewing is under pressure from global SVOD streaming.
What does this mean for local media markets, and for a country’s cultural future?
11:45 – The YouTube economy. Google’s next step?
YouTube Premium has recently launched in Denmark, with commercial free videos, music and coming YouTube originals. What we might see in the future is the YouTube TV service, where broadcasters use YouTube as distribution service.
We will analyze how YouTube is reshaping what it means to be entertained. We will examine YouTube’s impact from the perspective of creators, advertisers, and premium content providers.
We will examine what the value of YouTube is to premium video brands and looking at some of its serious shortcomings.
12:15 – Lunch buffet
12:45 – TV viewing today – Nordic and European total viewing report
The original survey data presented in this session were obtained from a February and March 2019 survey of TV viewers in the UK, Sweden, and Germany. Some of the information covered will find include:
- A breakdown of how many viewers are using each of the major TV sources, including combinations of sources (for example, those using free and online TV)
- How much each viewing group watches and how much they pay
- How each of the viewing groups finds something to watch
- Device preferences of the online TV viewer
- The video buying and renting behavior of TV viewers
13:15 – Technologies continuing impact on media
We will look at how technology innovation is still impacting the experience of media. This section will look at the following technologies and assess the likely impact on video services:
- Artificial Intelligence
- In production, curation and marketing
- The human costs of AI
- 5G
- A new powerful distribution platform?
- Blockchain
- The future of contracts and economics in the entertainment industry?
- Voice Control/Voice assistants
- Alexa, Siri and Google Home invading the media space
13:45 – Conclusions
With things changing so fast, is it possible to predict what viewing will look like ten years from today?
The concluding session of the day will draw together many of themes presented during the workshop to forecast how viewing might change in the coming years.
14:00 – End of seminar
Colin Dixon
Owner and principal analyst, nScreenMedia
Mr. Dixon created nScreenMedia as a resource to the Digital Media Industry as it transitions to the new infrastructure for multi-screen delivery. He brings a wealth of knowledge on the Digital TV, Over-the-Top and IPTV spaces from his 20 years working in those industries.
Before creating nScreenMedia, he was an analyst and partner with The Diffusion Group. He has held senior executive positions at Microsoft/WebTV, Liberate and Oracle delivering products and services to the Cable, Satellite, IPTV, and digital media industries.
Mr. Dixon is the author of many reports and opinion pieces including View My Video: Consumer Digital Media Consumption. He holds a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and has post-graduate business education experience from Stanford.
Mr. Dixon is a frequent speaker and moderator at events such as NAB, CES, IBC, and TV Connect. He is frequently quoted in the media.